Ronald van der Vlist

Director | Bas Parts

"“I am convinced that Slim4 generates at least 3% of additional revenue.”"

Bas Parts increase service level by 5%

With their diverse range of activities managing the stock at Bas Parts was quickly becoming an extremely complicated task.


Faced with volatile lead times, a rapidly growing assortment and irregular demand patterns, the team at Bas Parts needed a solution that could help manage the inventory requirements across all of its subsidiaries.

Highlighting the importane of the optimisation project, Ronald van der Vlist, Parts Director at Bas Parts, explains: “While the diversity we offer is ideal for our customers, it was impossible to manage the growing assortment manually”. To gain greater control over its inventory whilst simultaneously increasing the service level, the company implemented Slimstock’s supply chain optimisation platform, Slim4.


  • 5% service level improvement
  • Drastic reduction in inventory value
  • Increased visibility over key metrics